Although we sincerely hope that you landed on this page by accident, we accept the possibility that you want to stop using the Flexpackerz app or just want to remove your account. If there’s anyway we can still prevent you from leaving, please tell us how in an email to he**@fl*********.com . However, if there’s really no way in convincing you otherwise, continue reading to learn how to remove your account step by step and which data will be deleted in the process.   

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Still convinced that you want (or need) to remove your account? Follow these steps to delete your Flexpackerz account permanently:
  1.  Open the Flexpackerz app.
  2. Tap your profile picture in the top right corner of the home screen to open the side-bar menu.
  3. Select “Settings”.
  4. Scroll down to find the “Delete Account” section. 
  5. Tap the button that says “Delete”
  6. Read the information to fully understand the consequences of deleting your account, before continuing. 
  7. Enter your email address and password and tap the “Delete” button. 
  8. Finally select “Continue”. After this action, there’s no way back and your account will be deleted permanently! Continue reading to understand what this means for your data.


Your trust and safety is important to us. Therefore we want to be transparent about what happens to your data, after you have deleted your account. Once you have completed all steps to permanently delete your Flexpackerz account, the following personal data will either be deleted or anonymized in the process:

  • Personal data, like User ID, name & email address and other personal data that you provided in your Flexpackerz profile will be deleted. 
  • Public posts, Check-in cards and conversations that you initiated on pinboards will be deleted, including media files that you shared publicly.
  • Established and pending connections data, including sent and received connection requests will be deleted. 
  • Your list of currently and previously favorited locations will be deleted. 
  • Your private messages will be anonymized and will only remain visible to the other user(s) that initially participated in private conversations with you.  
  • Your full history of received notifications will be deleted too.  

Please note that the deletion of your data may not be limited to the list above and may be subject to change, depending on changing laws and regulations in your region. Also note that non-personal and anonymized data may still be saved to understand how people use the Flexpackerz app and to improve our services. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

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